Government Museum

Visiting a museum in India? Why not? In fact, people should not miss the opportunity for visiting one of the greatest museums in India especially when they are visiting Chennai. The Government Museum is a must visit place in Chennai. This museum is located in Egmore and it is the second oldest museum which can be found in the country. There are some cool things which make this museum much more attractive after all.

Life-Size Animatronic T-Rex

The very first attraction which can be interesting not only for the adult visitors but also the kids must be the animatronic T-Rex which comes in a life-size. It feels like a real one because its mouth can open with a loud roar. This great attraction can be found in the section of natural history. It is only next to the room where people can see a whale skeleton. The T-Rex cannot walk but it can moves the head from side to side so it feels quite real. People who love Jurassic Park surely will love the element in the museum.



One of the Oldest Libraries in India

Inside the museum complex, people can also find one of the oldest libraries in India. It is called the Connemara Library. This is the place where people are able to the ancient texts as well as the centuries-old publications. People even can find the Bible which was published in 1608. Book lovers surely do not want to miss the opportunity to visit the library which has about 600,000 books collection within.

The Children’s Museum

Children need a fun way to learn various subjects including history and physics. Nevertheless, the children will find it interesting to take lessons at the Children’s Museum which can also be found in the Government Museum complex. It is sure that the children will love this section in the complex because they can find the exhibits of knowledge from the animal history to the scientific advancement which is presented in colorful visual. The kids will have a pleasant memory visiting this museum for sure.

children museum

children museum

The Natural History Museum

For people who spend most of their time to be in the modern city environment which makes them cannot be far from the computer or TV, it seems like they do not have the opportunity to know the wildlife better except those devices. Nevertheless, there is no need to worry because they can get a better way to know more about the wildlife by visiting the Natural History Museum which can be found in the complex of the Government Museum. This museum section comes with beautiful sounds and visuals but the biggest attraction which people can find at this section must be the mammoth skeleton in a life-size. When people cannot grasp the size and scale of wildlife when watching it on the television or computer, they will be able to do it by visiting this museum. In the vast area, people can see the animal exhibition from all around the world.

natural history

natural history

The Museum Theatre

The part of the Government Museum which is visited the most is the Museum Theatre. It comes with great technology and people can see this is the hub for the theatre groups which can be found in the city. There are 600 seats available and it is made with the art acoustic state and completed with air conditioner. Everyone seating on the seats even at the furthermost part will be able to hear the actor’s voice properly. This theatre should be visited when there is a performance of a play to make sure that they can experience the amazing entertainment in this space.

4 Best Indian Museums to Learn about History and Archeology
Famous Museums indian museum information about the famous museum in india interesting museum in india most famous museums in indian museum in india the best art museum in india

4 Best Indian Museums to Learn about History and Archeology

Do you have a plan to visit India soon? Well, despite enjoying cultures and authentic street foods, the country indeed has many places to visit. If the Taj Mahal has been too common, there are many other buildings where you can learn about the history of the country. Interestingly, India has many museums too, spreading in many cities. Below, there is a list of the best historical museums in India. What are they?

Delhi National Museum – New Delhi

Talking about the best and the most famous museum in India, the Delhi National Museum should not be forgotten. The museum is managed by the country’s Culture Ministry and it displays so many exclusive artifacts. For you history lovers, you can go to this place for complete collections from the prehistoric period to the modern one. Aside from showing historical artifacts, the museum still has so many collections related to the cultures and arts of India. The Delhi National Museum opens from 10 am to 6 pm. It is closed once a week every Monday.

4 Best Indian Museums to Learn about History and Archeology

4 Best Indian Museums to Learn about History and Archeology

Shivalik Fossil Garden Museum – Sirmour

Located in Sirmour, not a really big city in India, there is a unique museum that collects hundreds of prehistoric animal fossils. Most of the fossils are originally from Sirmour and some other areas around the city. You should not be surprised if you can find fossils starting from the small to the gigantic ones. The animals’ fossils collected are whether they have been extinct or not. Despite the real fossils, the museum also provides manmade fossils made from resins and fiberglass as props. You can visit the museum every day except Tuesday from 10 am to 7 pm.

Indian Museum in Calcutta – Calcutta, West Bengal

The biggest and the oldest museum in India is located in Calcutta, West Bengal. It is simply known as the Indian Museum. The collections are varied with many categories; history, cultures, arts, botany, and more. Sure, for the history lovers, you can visit the History part first before going to other areas. In the part, you can watch and enjoy so many artifacts from Indian ancient kingdoms along with complete descriptions of them. Besides, there are also traditional paintings that look stunning and incredible. If you think the mummy is only in the Egyptian museum, it is not completely true. The Indian museum in Calcutta has it as well. The museum opens from 10 am to 5 pm and it is closed every Monday.

4 Best Indian Museums to Learn about History and Archeology

4 Best Indian Museums to Learn about History and Archeology

Lothal Archeological Museum – Ahmedabad

Lothal Archeological Museum is also known as one of the best museums in India. If you really want to learn about Indian history and archeology, it is definitely a good place to visit. The museum is indeed dedicated to old civilizations of India. Some parts of the museum are outdoor and they consist of ancient buildings. Sure, you can also find many stunning artifacts that you probably cannot see in other museums. Make sure to have a tour guide with you to explain the objects available there.

Indian Museum History: Here is What You Need to Know
Famous Museums indian museum information about the famous museum in india interesting museum in india most famous museums in indian museum in india the best art museum in india

Indian Museum History: Here is What You Need to Know

Are you wondering about the Indian Museum history? The Indian Museum is one of the oldest museums in Kolkata, India. It is certainly a place that you need to visit if you ever plan on having a vacation in India. Why? Well, for several reasons. This museum has a lot of gorgeous art collections that you will be able to enjoy. Other than that, the building itself is also going to entertain your eyes. However, those are not the only good things that you will be able to see in this magnificent museum.

Aside from its amazing architecture and beautiful art collections, this museum also holds a lot of historic value. You will be able to learn a lot of things just from seeing what this museum has on display. Other than displaying pieces of art, this museum also has a lot of other relics such as armors, ornaments, antiques, and many more. All of which have a very significant historic value.

Indian Museum History: Here is What You Need to Know

Indian Museum History: Here is What You Need to Know

The History of Indian Museum

You will be able to see a lot of amazing things being featured in this museum. Because this museum is very old, you are probably wondering about the history of this museum. Well, it all started when Sir William Jones created the Asiatic Society of Bengal in 1784. The members of the Asiatic Society of Bengal wanted to make a museum in 1796. They wanted a place where man-made and natural objects can be kept and displayed.

However, the idea started to become achievable in 1808. That was when the Asiatic Society was offered accommodation by the India Government. Ever since then, the construction of the Indian Museum began. After that, a Danish botanist by the name of Nathanial Wallich offered the Asiatic Society to create the museum based on his collection. That was when the collection in the museum started to increase over time. And that is basically what you need to know about the Indian Museum history.

Indian Museum History: Here is What You Need to Know

Indian Museum History: Here is What You Need to Know

The Indian Museum Collection

There are so many art collections that you will be able to see and enjoy in the Indian Museum. The displayed collections include art pieces and many other things that will entertain your eyes and mind. You will be able to see art and relic collections from several places in the world. This museum features Egyptian collections that include an Egyptian mummy and many more. Other than that, you will also be able to find a large collection of Indian artifacts that you will enjoy.

The museum itself is divided into six different sections. You will be able to see various things being displayed in each section. These sections also vary in size depending on the things that are being displayed there. Rest assured that you will be able to do a lot of exploring if you ever visit the Indian Museum.

Final Thoughts

The Indian Museum is one of the best museums in Kolkata, India. You certainly need to visit this place if you want a taste of India’s history. However, you also need to know the history of the Indian Museum before you visit the place.

The Most Famous Museum in India You Need to Know
interesting museum in india

The Most Famous Museum in India You Need to Know

The Most Famous Museum in India You Need to Know. If you are wondering about the most famous museum in India, then this might be your lucky day. You do not have to wonder anymore. We are here to tell you about some of the most famous museums in India that you should know about.

India is one of the most charming countries in the world. This is not very surprising considering how wonderful this country is. One of the most attractive things about India is the fact that it is filled with a lot of cultures, history, and traditions. That is why so many people are interested in this country.

If you are interested in knowing more about the history of India, then you have to visit some of the museums in this country. Fortunately for us, India has a lot of museums that become famous tourist attractions because of how amazing they are. Here are some of the most famous museums in India that you have to know about.

The Rail Museum in Delhi

The Most Famous Museum in India You Need to Know

The Most Famous Museum in India You Need to Know

Visiting Delhi would not be complete without visiting the Rail Museum. This museum has become quite an attraction, especially to people who are rail enthusiasts. This is because this museum offers a very exciting experience for its many visitors.

You will be able to see a toy train operating around this wide museum. You will also be able to see a lot of exhibits, both indoor and outdoor. At this museum, you will be able to enjoy the beautiful Fairy Queen, which is the oldest steam locomotive that can still work.

The Indian Museum in Kolkata

The Most Famous Museum in India You Need to Know

The Most Famous Museum in India You Need to Know

Another great museum in India is the Indian Museum that is located in the city of Kolkata. This museum is truly the gem of India because of how amazing it is. The Indian Museum is the oldest museum that you can find in India. Other than that, it is also the largest museum in the whole country.  check this

At the Indian Museum, you will be able to entertain your eyes with a lot of art pieces. This museum even has more than 35 galleries which are filled with a lot of exhibits. There are so many classifications of the exhibits such as art, zoology, archaeology, botany, geology, and so many more.

The National Museum in Delhi

The Most Famous Museum in India You Need to Know

The Most Famous Museum in India You Need to Know

The National Museum is also a very famous museum that you can find in the city of Delhi. This museum is considered to be one of the most iconic museums in India. This is because it contains a lot of artifacts from the prehistoric era up until the modern age. Visiting this museum is going to feel like getting a history lesson in a very fun way.

Final Thoughts

India is a very charming country. One of the things that make this country very charming is its museums. There are so many great museums that you can visit in India. All you need to do is to choose the most famous museum in India that we have told you all about for you to visit.

Indian Museum and Madras Museum, the Two Biggest Museums in India
Famous Museums indian museum information about the famous museum in india interesting museum in india museum in india

Indian Museum and Madras Museum, the Two Biggest Museums in India

Indian Museum and Madras Museum, the Two Biggest Museums in India. India is among the earliest places where human’s history can be traced back. The most famous ancient civilizations that shaped the world cultures originated in India. If you are a history lover, visiting India’s numerous museums is a definitely rewarding activity that will broaden your knowledge about the biggest human achievements throughout their history.

Of the hundreds, if not thousands, of museums that you can visit in India, two museums are notably famous due to their historical significance, size, and collection. The two museums are the Indian Museum and the Madras Museum. Let’s explore the reasons why these two museums should not be omitted from your itinerary when you travel to India.

Indian Museum

"Indian Museum and Madras Museum, the Two Biggest Museums in India

Madras Museum is a worthy destination for history lovers due to its rich collection of historical artefacts. Like the Museum, it also includes 6 different sections that represent the different branches of human knowledge, including Amravati paintings, archaeology, art, natural history, numismatics, and zoology. This museum also features a library with a rich collection of ancient manuscripts.

Like Indian Museum, Madras Museum also features imported artefacts in addition to its rich Indian artefact collection. If you have to go to Indian Museum to observe Egyptian artefacts, you will be encouraged to visit this museum to observe ancient Roman artefacts, which, again, are considered rarities that you seldom see outside Italy.

Indian Museum and Madras Museum

Indian Museum and Madras Museum

The government plans to open a 3D theatre in the museum complex. Making it the first government-sponsored museum to feature one. If you plan to visit this museum soon. You can expect the theatre to be one of the newest attractions that you can enjoy.

Museum Of Art The Best And Most Famous Thing You Can Visit In India
information about the famous museum in india interesting museum in india museum in india the best art museum in india

Museum Of Art The Best And Most Famous Thing You Can Visit In India

Museum Of Art The Best And Most Famous Thing You Can Visit In India. Art and history are intricately interwoven and bound together throughout the ages. It is almost impossible to determine when history began without recognizing when humans started to become artistic. If you are interested in how art, dadu online and history grow mutually in human’s chronicle, especially in India, where the cradle of human civilizations exists, there are several art museums that you should visit in India. Four of them are listed below.

Venkatappa Art Gallery

"Museum Of Art The Best And Most Famous Thing You Can Visit In India

This premier museum in Chandigarh has some characteristics that make it one of the most unique art museums on earth. To start with, this museum was established as a consequence of the partition of India and Pakistan. During the partition, the ownership of the artworks stored at the Central Museum, Lahore, had to be shared between the two countries, with 60 percent going to Pakistan and the remaining 40 percent to India. This museum was established to keep India’s share. Secondly, it was designed by the world’s renowned artist and architect Le Corbusier, making the building itself an invaluable work of art. If you don’t care about its history and care less about its architecture, you will still be amazed by its collection, which includes the artefacts of the ancient Gandharan civilization, Pahari paintings, and other ancient artworks as well as contemporary ones.

Kiran Nadar Museum of Art

Museum Of Art The Best

Not every art museum that you can visit in India is owned by the government and non-profit organizations. Kiran Nadar Museum of Art, established in 2010, is one of the youngest art museums in India; however, it is the first private enterprise to establish a contemporary art museum that is open to the public. You need visit this museum, after you visit you will surprised. Many things you never see before.

4 Most Famous Museums in India for History Lovers
Famous Museums indian museum information about the famous museum in india interesting museum in india most famous museums in indian museum in india

4 Most Famous Museums in India for History Lovers

4 Most Famous Museums in India for History Lovers. One of the best places in the world to learn about human history is India.  There are hundreds of museums that you can visit in India. While its two biggest museums, Indian Museum and Madras Museum, continue to be the most famous museums in India, many other museums are worth visiting. Here you will learn about the four most famous museums in India besides those two museums that you should visit while you are traveling to this country.

National Museum in New Delhi

4 Most Famous Museums in India for History Lovers

4 Most Famous Museums in India for History Lovers

If you start your trip in the capital city, you may want to stop by the city’s most famous museum, the National Museum. It is the museum that keeps all of the artefacts that represent India’s past, including those of the ancient civilizations Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa and the personal relics of Siddhartha Gautama. If you wish to learn about the cradle of Indian civilizations, which also means the cradle of human civilizations, this museum, which is also the most visited museum in India, is a perfect place to visit.

Chhatrapati Shivaji Vastu Sangrahalaya

4 Most Famous Museums in India for History Lovers

4 Most Famous Museums in India for History Lovers

This museum has a very striking look due to its unique architectural blend, which is basically a mix of Hindu, Mughal, and English architectural arts. Although the official name of this museum is Chhatrapati Shivaji Vastu Sangrahalaya. It is more popularly known as the Prince of Wales Museum because it was built in 1922 to commemorate the Prince’s visit to India. Like the National Museum in New Delhi, this museum also exhibits a rich collection of relics belonging to the past Indus civilizations.

National Rail Museum

4 Most Famous Museums in India for History Lovers

4 Most Famous Museums in India for History Lovers

Another museum in New Delhi that you should visit is the National Rail Museum. Being colonized by the British Empire for centuries. India is among the first Asian nations to have a complex network of railways since early in history. If you are curious about the evolution of railways in India, this museum is definitely a perfect place to visit. In addition to observing different trains of the different eras that ever operated on Indian railways. You can also observe some special-purpose trains and cars that you cannot see anywhere else. Such as the Maharaja of Mysore’s rolling salon and the Fairy Queen locomotive.

International Dolls Museum

Everything from the most historical relics to the most trivial objects has its own museum in India. Dolls are not an exception. At Shankar’s International Dolls Museum, you can observe a huge selection of Indian dolls. As well as those imported from dozens of countries around the world. Because dolls have been used as both toys and cultural props throughout history. Learning about how certain dolls are used for specific purposes within specific historical contexts is always worthwhile. If you are a history lover as well as a doll collector.

4 Most Famous Museums in India for Tech Enthusiasts
Famous Museums indian museum information about the famous museum in india interesting museum in india

4 Most Famous Museums in India for Tech Enthusiasts

4 Most Famous Museums in India for Tech Enthusiasts. Museums do not necessarily tell about the past. Some museums are designed to assist you to learn about the past and present as well as predict the future. In India, numerous museums meet this classification. If you are a tech-savvy individual or simply someone interested to see what the future will look like, there are four most famous museums in India for tech enthusiasts that you should visit. When you are in India or plan to visit this country, be sure to include them in your itinerary.

Science City

4 Most Famous Museums in India for Tech Enthusiasts

4 Most Famous Museums in India for Tech Enthusiasts

Science City in Kolkata is a perfect place to visit if you want to invite your children to learn about various aspects of science and scientific enterprises. There are both indoor and open-air scientific exhibitions where scientific objects are exhibited and scientific experiments are demonstrated. Everything from biological theories like evolution to kiu kiu online can be learned there. And because you can immerse yourself in scientific projects only if you can involve yourself in them, you can try some interactive exhibits that are also available there.

Visvesvaraya Industrial and Technological Museum

4 Most Famous Museums in India for Tech Enthusiasts

4 Most Famous Museums in India for Tech Enthusiasts

This museum is located near the Bangalore Museum and Venkatappa Art Gallery. You will love a visit to this museum if you also love all industrial and technological accomplishments that human has made throughout history. At this museum, you can take the chance to observe everything from the earliest airplane models ever created by humans to animated life-size dinosaur models. There are 7 exhibition galleries in this museum and each features a specific branch of knowledge that has enabled humankind to discover their deepest imagination and creativity to introduce new technological breakthroughs.

Nehru Science Centre

4 Most Famous Museums in India for Tech Enthusiasts

4 Most Famous Museums in India for Tech Enthusiasts

Nehru Science Centre is located in Mumbai, a city that you will mostly visit if you are traveling to India. The main purpose of the establishment of this science centre is to allow commoners to learn about science less frustratingly and more interestingly. There are numerous exhibitions including interactive ones, that this science museum features. All of which cover many different scientific areas that will surely enrich your knowledge about how far humankind. If you want you and your children to start loving science, get introduced to science at this place.

National Science Centre

This museum, as well as the science centre, is very much similar to the Nehru Science Centre explained above. Their goal is the same: to introduce science to common people in a friendly and fun way. At this National Science Centre, you and your children will have a chance to enjoy various exhibitions that are both attractive and enlightening. You can learn about everything ranging from the most advanced scientific endeavours like nuclear and aerospace technologies. To the most imaginative ones, such as the Elixir of Life. This science centre also features a 3D theatre that allows the observation of scientific projects. If your children hate science while at school, they will love it after returning from this science centre.

Top 3 Most Popular Museum in India for You to Visit
Famous Museums indian museum

Top 3 Most Popular Museum in India for You to Visit

Visiting a museum in India is one of the most exciting activities that you can do. India is a very wonderful country that is filled with culture and history. The beautiful culture and magnificent history that India has made this country quite a charming country. That is why visiting India can be a wonderful experience for you.

Museums in India

If you ever decide to visit India, one of the things that you need to do is to visit the museums there. There are so many beautiful museums in India that are rich in history and architectural beauty. Visiting museums in India is also a great way to learn about the history of India in a fun and explorative way. Here are the top 3 most popular museums in India that you have to visit.

The Large and Majestic National Museum

The first museum on our list is the National Museum that is located in the city of Delhi. This is one of the largest museums that you can find in India. There are so many amazing and informative things that you get to see if you decide to visit this museum. You will be able to see a lot of jewelry, armors, manuscripts, paintings, and so many more.

The Large and Majestic National Museum

The Large and Majestic National Museum

The Ancient and Magnificent Indian Museum 

The next museum in India that you can visit is the Indian Museum, which is located in Kolkata. This museum is quite a popular museum because it is one of the oldest museums that you can find in India. There are six sections of this museum, each of which contains galleries that have work of arts that you can enjoy. This is why the Indian Museum becomes a popular tourist attraction.

The Ancient and Magnificent Indian Museum 

The Ancient and Magnificent Indian Museum

The “Madras” Government Museum

The last museum on our list is the Government Museum, which is also known as the Madras Museum. The Government Museum is a gorgeous museum that is located in Egmore, Chennai. This museum was established in 1851, making it quite an old museum. This museum contains a lot of art in the subject of anthropology, geology, botany, and zoology.

The “Madras” Government Museum

The “Madras” Government Museum

If you are planning to bring children during your visit to this museum, you do not have to worry, The Government Museum has separate sections that are specifically made for children. You will be able to enjoy the full experience of visiting this museum without anything troubling your mind at all.


India is one of the most beautiful countries in the world because of how rich this country is in culture and history. If you ever decide to visit India, you will be able to experience a lot of fun activities. One of the most amazing activities that you can do in India is to visit some museums to learn about the history of India.

There are so many popular museums that you can find in India. So many that it can be hard to decide which museum to visit. This list of the top 3 most popular museums in India will help you with that issue.

The Museum Theatre of the Government Museum Complex
Famous Museums indian museum

The Museum Theatre of the Government Museum Complex

When visiting the Government Museum in Chennai, people will instantly realize that the museum complex is pretty huge. There are some buildings which can be found and of course, there are several sections which can be visited in each building. It is true that people are visiting a museum but it does not mean that they can only see the collections in the museum. In fact, the building in the museum complex can also be an interesting object to learn further. The museum theatre surely becomes the building which people will get attracted easily.

Remarkable Building

The museum theatre is surely a remarkable building which can be found in the complex of the Government Museum because it is located next to the main entrance gate of the museum on Pantheon Road. This part of the Government Museum is interesting because it is considered as a rare architecture specimen which can be found in India because it comes with Italianate style. The building was made with inspiration from Classical architecture. This style was developed by John Nash in 1802 in Britain. Nevertheless, it is interesting to know that the theatre building was established in the late 19th century by the British when the style was actually not popular any longer in England.

Government Museum

Government Museum

The Building Structure

There is a high plinth which can be found in the structure of the museum building. The museum theatre can be accessed through the stairs which have a tall flight. The structure is primarily semicircular but people can also find a rectangular wing located at the rear side of the building. Nowadays, that rectangular wing becomes the place for some galleries of the museum. For accessing the main hall, people can walk through the verandah which comes with columns row connected by the semicircular arches. The geometric and floral designs can be found on the columns and the walls of the building.

Government Museum

Government Museum

The Purpose

The main hall which comes with a huge size was originally made for staging the theatrical performances. There are about 600 seats which can be used by the audiences. People must not forget the commodious stage as well as the dressing room for the actors which adjoin the main stage. The British were using this theatre for English plays in the past. However, nowadays the theatre is used by the museum for the academic and cultural programs from conferences to lectures. It can also be rented for a cultural performance.

The Bronze Gallery of the Government Museum in Chennai
Famous Museums indian museum

The Bronze Gallery of the Government Museum in Chennai

Visiting museum must be an experience which people do not want to miss when they are traveling in Europe. Nevertheless, visiting the museum can also be one great experience which people can find when visiting India. When they are in Chennai especially, they should not forget to visit the Government Museum in Egmore. There are so many things which can be seen from the museum complex which are divided into various sections. If people want to see rare icons, they surely must not miss the Bronze Gallery. There are so many things which can be found and learned from this section at




The Bronze Gallery of the Government Museum becomes the place where artifacts found from the 11th – 17th centuries are stored. It seems that this place can be the section which comes with many treasures. There are some sections which can be found in the Bronze Gallery. People can check the collection in the Saivite section where they can find the amazing treasures within. Other great collections can also be found in the Buddhist/Jain and Vaishnavite sections. This is the home for many sculptures which can also be exhibited in the spaces of the abroad gallery. One thing for sure, people should take their time to study the sculptures in detail. They will see the difference and similarities of those sculptures. They will understand the differences between the Chola bronze feature and the Pallava one. They can also see the specifications of the Chera bronze feature.


There are so many things which can be found in the Bronze Gallery of the Government Museum but the biggest star of the museum must be the Ardhanareeshwara. This item was found in Tiruvengadu located near to Nagapattinam. It was dated to the 11th century after all. This piece combines the divine male along with the feminine halves. The combination looks very beautiful for sure but it does not mean that people cannot find other great things at this place, they can also find the item which is precious and rare.




This piece appears as one of Shiva that drinks the poison which appears from the ocean churning. It was made in the 9th century AD. The location of the foundation of this item is Kilappudanur in Nannilamtaluk. There are also other great pieces which can be seen including the Ayyanar on Elephant which was made in the 16th century AD and the Parvati in evocative mode along with an attendant.

History of the Government Museum in Chennai
Famous Museums indian museum

History of the Government Museum in Chennai

There are so many great places in India which people should visit and there is no doubt that visiting Chennai is an experience which people should consider. Visiting Chennai will not be complete without visiting the Government Museum in Egmore. This museum is considered as one of the oldest museums in the country. Besides this title, there are so many other great things which people can find when exploring the museum. They might have a question about the history of the museum and it can be another interesting element which people can get from this museum.

Since 1851

There is no doubt that this museum is labeled as one of the oldest museums in the country because it was started in 1851. In the beginning, this museum was on the campus with the tree shade. It was known as the Pantheon Complex which comes with the building’s mix which is charming and used for various purposes. This is the reason why the road outside the museum was taken from that name.

Government Museum


The man behind the building of this museum was Edward Balfour who was the surgeon from Scotland. He was not only a surgeon but also an ardent Orientalist. He became the pioneer of the public health and forest conservation in the country. The raising of the buildings is continued until the early of the 19th century. Besides as the founder of the museum, he also became the first officer in charge of the museum. He made it possible to attract many people to visit this museum pretty quickly in the decade it was built. The women were also encouraged to visit the museum on certain days. It seemed that there are more people who were attracted to the museum because of a live tiger cub; he also opened a zoo which became the home for almost 300 animals. However, the zoo was moved to the People’s Park later.

Government Museum

Government Museum

The Museum Today

People can try to visit and walk in the area on a summer day. It is sure that many things have changed since the founder’s time. However, people can still see the grounds which are decorated with the past remains. People can find the National Art Gallery which is very captivating since it is the place where people can see the painting of Raja Ravi Varma and the Mughal miniatures. Of course, people must not forget to pay a visit to the Connemara Library.

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